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1.4 Content Writing/Rewriting

web content writing or rewriting exampleSummary

The Content Writing usually gives you 3-5 pages daily. Price: $ per page Only!    go to additional Content Writing free quote

This is frequently referred to as "copy writing". This service is available if you are unsure of how you would like your text written, or not sure how to write copy to describe and sell your goods. Our copy writers analyze your business and write text to sell your services. Customers may be asked to fill out a business description form to assist our writers in the process.

More Web Content Elements

1.1 Additional Web Page
1.2 Coordination Step
1.3 Additional Text Editing
1.4 Content Writing/Rewriting
1.5 Site Structure Change
1.6 Content Feed
1.7 Basic Database Setup
1.8 Rolling News Feed - Best Seller!
1.9 Final Test and Launch


Why you need content writing or rewriting option?

Writing for the internet is not like writing for any other medium. People read 30% slower from computer screens than from the printed page - with a very short attention span.

Sloppy copy loses interest. Conversely, good clear writing will make the reader want to continue, and explore the site.

What we can do for you

  • Usabillity - We can write or rewrite fresh content your Web site using the content you already have according to established writing and usability standards.
  • Search Engines Ranking - We can reconfigure your content for effective Search Engine positioning.
  • Multiple Application - We can create higher performing, interactive websites that enhance the effectiveness of your clients sites.

If you ask yourself why your Web site doesn't deliver the results you expect, consider hiring us for professional Web content writing and copy editing services.

In order to purchase this web element, please login to your design support page and send us a FREE quote request. If you are a new member, please click here. The membership is FREE. There is no obligation to buy.

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How we do it

Ten FREE tips for writing web copy successfully

1. Make sure content is easy to read

In the online world, less is nearly always more. Write your copy for the impatient, online reader. Here are some guidelines for the length of your content:

Headings: 8 words or less
Sentences: 15 - 20 words
Paragraphs: 40 - 70 words
Page word count: 250+ words

Eliminate pompous words and fancy phrases. Effective online writing is not about impressing the reader with your extensive vocabulary. It's about communicating. Use short, simple words. Get to the point. And then stop.

2. Write from me to you

The most powerful word in the English language is "YOU". Write for your reader, in a conversational tone, not for your ego.

Get to know your reader. Is there a common style or tone you need to use to reach her? Don't forget, she's come to your Web site to do something-make a purchase, obtain information, sign up for a subscription. Make sure every word you write moves her toward a solution.

3. Drive Actions With Content

Content is about getting the reader's attention and keeping it. Content is about selling. Make sure your content is driving your customer's actions. Then put that content on your home page.

4. Write for how people search

If you want your site to be found when people search the web, use words your target readers use. Before you begin to write, sit down and think carefully about the keywords you're going to use. Then carefully weave those words and phrases into your copy. Here's two Web sites that will help you find the right keywords and phrases for your site.


5. Create Effective Headings

The heading is the most important piece of content you'll write.

That's because:

1. Internet users scan read and the first thing they read is your heading. If it doesn't grab their attention, they'll leave.

2. An effective heading can used in title tags (more about this later).

3. The heading can be placed on your home page as a link to content.

When writing headings:

  • Keep them to eight words or less

  • Include important keywords

  • Avoid the use of adjectives and prepositions (and, a, the, of).

  • Be clear and concise. Avoid wordy, wishy-washy phrases.

    6. Write keyword-rich title tags

    Title tags are a small piece of HTML code that appears in the top bar of your browser. "For example, "Acme Company Home Page." Title tags, along with meta keywords and meta descriptions, are one of several important factors in achieving high search engine rankings.

    Title tags appear in your site's HTML code like this:


    You can view a site's title tag by clicking VIEW then SOURCE on your browser's tool bar.

    Because search engines use title tags to gather information about your Web site you need to think carefully about what words you put in the tag. Don't be tempted to put your company name in the tag (unless you're a well-known brand like Nike or Microsoft).

    Instead put specific keywords relating to your business. For example, if you're a California real estate company, you would want your company to appear in search engine results for searches on keywords such as "California Real Estate" or "Realtors in California." So, you would use the keywords "California Real Estate" or "California Realtors" in your title tags. If you wanted to be more specific, or you prefer seeking business in a specific geographic area you would use keywords such as "Silicon Valley Real Estate" or "Silicon Valley Realtors."

    7. Provide links and connections

    The web is about linking information. Make sure your site links your reader to other information and other sites link to you. Never make your Web site a dead-end. Some search engines, including Google, are based, in part, on their ability to find you from links on other sites

    8. Write effective summaries, sentences and paragraphs

    An effective summary is who, what, when, where, how. It's about getting the information across in 50 words or less. Keep your summaries short and factual. Make sure they encourage your reader keep reading.

    Remember, keep sentences to between 15-20 words. Paragraphs between 40-70 words. Make your first sentence grab your reader's attention or they'll move on.

    9. Sell Benefits not Features

    If you want your Web site to sell your product or service you must write about benefits and not about features. A feature describes a product or service. A benefit is what the user gains from using that product or service. Don't say, " Our duvets are warm and comfortable," say "You'll be warm and comfortable in one of our duvets." Tell your customers how your product or service will make them happier, sexier, healthier, wealthier. In other words focus on making sure every line of your copy is dedicated to what's in it for them.

    10. Edit. Edit. Edit. Then edit again
